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Thief steals charity donations for sick dog Poppet in Deal

“Heartbroken” fundraisers have condemned thieves after donations to help pay for a sick dog’s treatment were snatched.

Poppet has twice been under the knife following a womb infection, with her latest round of treatment soon due at a Canterbury clinic.

Maggie Fowler, of Deal, whose charity pots were stolen (57259698)
Maggie Fowler, of Deal, whose charity pots were stolen (57259698)

The four-year-old dachsund cross’s ailing health has prompted well-wishers to rally for funds to help pay for the life-changing treatment.

But Maggie Fowler, of Deal, told how a “thin, tall” man in a “grey hoodie” swiped collection pots filled with about £30 from a stall outside her home.

The theft, which happened on Saturday afternoon, is the latest setback in improving the rescue dog’s quality of life, she said.

“This dog has already been through so much, so many vet appointments, it breaks my heart that someone could do this.

“We’ve worked flat out to raise money for her operation and, what hurts the most, is Poppet’s life story was written next to the collection pots.

“How could anyone take that money knowing that it’s for helping a sick animal,” she said.

Asked what would happen if Poppet doesn’t receive the treatment, she replied: “She will most probably die.”

“It breaks our hearts, we don’t know if she’s in any pain and she’s only young which is why we’ve taken her under our wing.”

Poppet - the dachshund Maggie Fowler is helping (57259711)
Poppet - the dachshund Maggie Fowler is helping (57259711)

Mrs Fowler, who has run the charity stall in Orchard Avenue for more than 20 years, believes the same person targeted her donations on Thursday.

Poppet came to the UK from Romania with a small wound to her groin, which left vets stumped.

But when Mrs Fowler, an animal rescue worker, and others drummed up hundreds of pounds for a CT scan, it emerged Poppet suffered a dangerous infection following complications likely linked to a pregnancy.

“We need all of the money we can get for her, if someone was stealing directly from me it wouldn’t affect me so much, but this is taking money away from a really poorly pooch,” she said.

"For whoever took the money, please return it to where it belongs so we can help Poppet receive the treatment she deserves. Please think about the repercussions of your actions on Poppet," she continued.

Poppet - the dachshund Maggie Fowler is helping (57259722)
Poppet - the dachshund Maggie Fowler is helping (57259722)

Fellow fundraiser Jacqui Mitchell has launched a gofundme page to help with Poppet's plight.

“We are waiting on a swab result then planning her treatment which will involve a complicated operation to remove as much infection as possible.

“Please help us to continue as this lovely little dog is only four and deserves a chance,” she said.

“She is a good patient and climbs up the stool to the settee twice daily for her dressing to be done.

“She also has to wear a collar to stop her chewing - surgical suit didn't stop her.”

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