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Dover pupils in flash mob internet hit

Ferry flash mob
Ferry flash mob

School children from Dover are among those who have taken part in the latest “flash mob” - one of the latest internet crazes where people suddenly get up and dance and sing in the most unlikely places.

This one, in celebration of Holland’s national day, was filmed on board one of the DFDS Seaways ferries between Dover and Dunkirk. Around 40 pupils and staff from St Edmund’s Catholic School were among those who took part.

Other passengers looked on surprised as a small group of pupils suddenly took off their coats to reveal orange t-shirts and started singing and dancing. More and more joined in as it went along.

Also making a surprise guest appearance was Reggie Tsiboe, one of the lead singers of Boney M, who disguised himself as a DFDS Seaways chef, before joining in with the spur-of-the-moment medley.

The students performed the songs alongside Reggie, which included Queen’s We are the Champions, sung in dedication to Queen’s Day, the national day for Holland that is celebrated in April.

The flash mob event will be shown on big screens in London’s Trafalgar Square on April 16 as part of the Holland Day celebrations.

It can be viewed on YouTube

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