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'Predatory sex offender' groomed girl with texts

Philip Vivash was sentenced at Canterbury Crown Court
Philip Vivash was sentenced at Canterbury Crown Court

A MAN who sent suggestive text messages to a 14-year-old girl has been given a community order and must undergo a sex offenders’ treatment programme.

Philip Vivash, now 39, of Mayfield Gardens, Dover, began sending the schoolgirl what he described as "flirtatious texts" in which he said things like "if only I was younger" and "I am lying in bed thinking of you".

The girl became distressed at the nature of the messages and informed her parents and a teacher. A month later Vivash sent further texts, with comments such as he fancied her and she was beautiful, resulting in a sexually explicit message.

Vivash was arrested and appeared for sentence at Canterbury Crown Court on Monday, where he admitted meeting a child following sexual grooming in September 2006.

Katie Fox, prosecuting, told Canterbury Crown Court, there were times when he touched the girl’s bottom over her clothing in what the girl described as a rubbing motion.

Vivash was given a three-year community order with supervision. It was also made a condition of the court that he attends the Thames Valley sex offenders’ treatment programme for 80 sessions and completes all group programmes required.

He will be subject to a Sexual Offences Prevention Order (SOPO) for five years and also be placed on the Sex Offenders' Register.

After his arrest, his computer was seized and on it were found portrait-style pictures of the victim but she said she did not know how these had been taken, said Miss Fox.

Vivash, who has no previous convictions of this nature, initially denied sending any inappropriate messages in police interview, but pleaded guily in court.

His counsel, Jonathan Turner, said he had already suffered punishment after losing his job. He was also forced to move home because of problems with neighbours, and was now unemployed.

Sentencing, Judge Adele Williams told Vivash: “Do not pretend or delude yourself that what you did was in any way acceptable. It was not.

“You engaged in a wholly inappropriate relationship with a 14-year-old girl by sending her sexually explicit text messages and engaging in an attempt at flirtation or fantasy.”

She added: “But I am going to give you an opportunity to put your life in order by engaging in a programme that will re-educate you that men of your age should not and will not engage in such activity with teenage girls.”

The investigating officer in the case, Det Insp Andy Somerville, said: "Judge Adele Williams was excellent when she addressed Vivash in court.

"The sentence is entirely appropriate for this level of offending and it has had a substantial effect on his life. Vivash has lost his job and the prevention order will make his family life difficult.

"I hope this serves as a significant warning to any other predatory sex offender to think again before acting."

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