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Fouled war memorial featured in new Facebook page Another Fine Mess in Dover

A dog was allowed to urinate on a war memorial.

Meanwhile an old toilet was dumped off a country lane and a pile of dumped tyres blocked another.

These are some of the grotesque sights in Dover and surrounding villages caused by fly-tippers and others making the place filthy.

Tyres dumped at Guston. Picture courtesy of Guston Parish Council.
Tyres dumped at Guston. Picture courtesy of Guston Parish Council.

Last Friday morning Jul 20 clean-up campaigner Augusta Pearson showed a picture of a large dog-urine stain on the Operation Fuller memorial at Dover seafront and pieces of dog faeces nearby.

In an open Facebook message to the perpetrators she wrote: "What is wrong with people? These memorials are for those we honour.

"Letting your dog urinate on it is disgusting as it is urinating on them and their memory.

"Try to find a speck of respect you're an embarrassment to mankind

"If your dog messes, pick it up, especially on a footpath in front of a memorial."

Operation Fuller was a daring Second World War onslaught by 18 British aviators against an entire German fleet heading for the Dover Strait.

The airmen charged in without waiting for backup and and only five survived.

A total 147 people were killed in the action in February 1942.

Dog urine on the Operation Fuller memorial at Dover. Picture: Augusta Pearson
Dog urine on the Operation Fuller memorial at Dover. Picture: Augusta Pearson

Mrs Pearson, of Branch Street, Dover, showed the soiled memorial in a Facebook page she recently set up, Another Fine Mess in Dover.

This was created in May to monitor cases of littering, dumping and fouling and for others to report them and alert the authorities.

Mollie Wellsted last Thursday contributed to that page with pictures of a curtain and other rubbished dumped at the Dover harbour beach.

She commented: "Why can't people clean up after themselves? It baffles me. They have to walk past numerous bins to leave the beach. Whilst walking the dog we've cleared up two disposable barbecues, numerous empty cans, broken glass, empty food packets...and a curtain."

Another clean-up campaigner, Peter Sherred, believes there is an "epidemic" of littering and fly-tipping in Dover, as other parts of Britain.

Discarded toilet at Old Charlton Road, Dover. Picture: Peter Sherred.
Discarded toilet at Old Charlton Road, Dover. Picture: Peter Sherred.

He recently found a toilet pedestal dumped at the town's Old Charlton Road.

He said: "Efforts to try to keep on top of the litter dropping epidemic that affects Dover, as in other parts of the country, continue.

"I have been on holiday in France for two weeks and the extraordinary notable feature is the almost total absence of litter even if areas of the café society outdoors."

"Back here nothing seems to change it appears but some of us are trying to keep pace with the problem.

"I hope we can tell people not to give up on efforts to clear rubbish dropped by others."

Mr Sherred, of the Rotary Club of Dover, and fellow members have regularly collected sackloads of plastic bottles, drinks cans and takeaway meal packets from road verges and paths.

On Tuesday, July 17, a member of Guston Parish Council photographed a huge pile of discarded tyres near the area's Dover Road.

Chairman Tracey Creed said: "The tyres have been offloaded I would imagine by a trades person who cannot be bothered to go to the tip.

"The parish council is disgusted."

A Dover District Council spokesman said: "DDC continues to work hard to tackle issues of littering and fly-tipping across the district.

" We would stress fly-tipping and littering are criminal offences, and we would remind people not only are littering and fly-tipping unsightly, but they can create health hazards, and it costs tax payers money to clear up. If you can’t find a litter bin or if they’re full then please take your litter home.

"Our waste services team continues to work hard to keep the district clean, including waste collection, street cleaning, roadside litter picks, support for beach cleans, promotional campaigns, and a variety of proactive and reactive services.

" We welcome and support all those voluntary groups across the district who take a pride in their area and help to keep the district clean."

The council adds that its environmental crime team carries out educational work with sessions in schools and enforcement work, fining for littering and prosecuting following unpaid penalties and prosecuting fly-tippers.

It also recently launches its #DontDumpInDoverDistrict campaign. This includes posters, post cards, signage, leaflets and social media posts, and help and advice to householders on the disposal of household waste and on avoiding unauthorised waste collectors.

If people witness fly-tipping, they should report it on the DDC website or by telephone on 01304 821199.

For the full story see this week's Dover Mercury.

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