"Parents' rights" could cost jobs says CBI

CBI south east director Nigel Bourne
CBI south east director Nigel Bourne

EXTRA rights for working mums and dads could put many parents out of work, bosses have warned.

The CBI claims the Government's latest report on work-life balance, which proposes paid leave for fathers, could prove too expensive for employers already hit by a weakened economy and lead to loss of jobs.

Commenting on the joint Treasury-DTI document, Balance Working and Family Life, Kent-based CBI south east regional director Nigel Bourne, said businesses were already fighting a daily battle to remain competitive and the last thing they needed was "additional financial and administrative burdens”.

"Firms cannot simply go on absorbing the extra costs," he said. "The Government must recognise that ever-increasing levels of employment legislation will damage businesses and destroy jobs."

The CBI is angry that the Government is considering extending parental leave before assessing the impact of a new package of parental rights being introduced in April.

Mr Bourne, based in Sevenoaks, added: "The CBI recognises the importance of a work-life balance, but there is a risk that the scales can tip so much towards the employee that it means being in business becomes uneconomical and leads to job losses.

"Time should be allowed to see what effect the forthcoming legislation has before any more rights are introduced. Acting now is premature and at odds with the commitment the Government has already given to review the situation in three years time."

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