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Gills' boss' son locked up for breaking boy's jaw

The son of Gills' boss Paul Scally has been locked up for two years for breaking a 15-year-old boy's jaw.

Max Scally, 17, punched his victim in the face and then stamped on him during a party to celebrate the end of school in July 2007.

The victim, now aged 17 and who cannot be identified for legal reasons, was left needing surgery to insert two metal plates into his jaw, which was broken in two places.

Scally, who was 16 at the time of the attack, is the eldest son of the Gillingham Football Club chairman.

Max Scally, of Tilmans Mead, Farningham, was convicted by a jury at Maidstone Crown Court of causing grievous bodily harm.

The teenager, who turns 18 on January 29, was cleared at his trial in December of a more serious charge of causing GBH with intent.

Paul Scally was at court for much of his son's trial, as well as the sentencing hearing.

His first wife, Max Scally's mother, also attended, as did Mr Scally's current wife with whom he lives in Dubai.

Passing a two-year detention and training order in a young offenders' institution Judge Andrew Patience QC branded Max Scally "a thug and a coward".

"I have no doubt that you hit him first from behind and then you stamped on his face.

"Whether or not the punch or the stamp broke his jaw I cannot say but I am sure that one of them did.

"No doubt those actions were impulsive and of an immature 16-year-old who had not thought out the consequences of his actions and did not intend their consequences."

The sentence was met with gasps from the public gallery and someone was heard to comment: "It's a joke."

Following an application from representatives of the Kent Messenger Group, the judge also lifted a section 39 order banning the identification of Max Scally.

"It is essential that a repeated message reaches the public that punishment has been and will be meted out to the perpetrators of violence of this kind," explained Judge Patience.

Scally was remanded in custody at the end of his trial. However, his 42 days already served will not count towards the detention and training order.

Janette Hayne, defending, said Scally had acted "in a moment of madness" and urged the court to impose a non-custodial sentence.

"This is not a boy who would ever have imagined he was going to find himself in a custodial setting," she added. He is hard-working, polite, has humility, is remorseful and deserves a chance."

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