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Wash your hands...and stay away from everyone

Hand washing is essential to prevent spreading norovirus. File image
Hand washing is essential to prevent spreading norovirus. File image

Keep yourself and everything else clean. That's the message from Kent's Health Protection Agency (HPA) as the winter vomiting bug sweeps across the nation.

The fast-spreading norovirus is affecting businesses, hospitals and schools the need to stop it expanding is being highlighted ahead of the holiday period.

Dr Mathi Chandrakumar, director of the HPA's Kent Health Protection Unit said: "There is no specific treatment for norovirus infection apart from letting the illness run its course and drinking plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.

"The virus can become difficult to contain making good hygiene especially important in preventing yourself and others from becoming infected.

"This includes thorough hand washing, especially after using the toilet, before and after handling or preparing food and before eating.

"Any contaminated surface should be thoroughly disinfected after an episode of illness.

~ Listen: Dr Chandrakumar talks to reporter Chris Price about norovirus >>>

"It is also very important people with viral gastrointestinal infections such as norovirus do not visit friends or relatives in hospitals, nursing or residential care homes.

"They should stay away from others until they are symptom free.

"People who work in healthcare or food handling and children should remain at home from work and school for 48 hours after symptoms cease."

West Kent Primary Care trust spokeswoman Lisa Ojemuyiwa said: "There is no evidence to suggest this year’s outbreak is any bigger than last year’s.

"People just have to make sure they are following normal infection control protocol which is quite simply washing their hands regularly and thoroughly after doing normal things you would do in winter such as blowing your nose."

• The infections are generally short-lived but if symptoms persist, or seem to be getting worse, ask for a telephone consultation with their GP or phone NHS Direct on 0845 4647.

Norovirus is not classed as a reportable illness like measles or flu so there are no official figures for instances of winter vomiting virus affecting people in Kent.

Estimates on how many people are affected can be made some months down the line from samples taken from a cross section of patients.

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