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Police hunt taxi driver after Rochester woman reportedly sexually assaulted after getting in a cab at Gabriel's Hill, Maidstone

Police are hunting a taxi driver who reportedly groped a lone woman in his cab.

Officers have released an e-fit of the suspect following the alleged sexual assault.

The incident is reported to have happened after a woman got into a taxi in the Gabriel’s Hill area of Maidstone, following a night out.

Police want to speak with this man. Photo: Kent Police
Police want to speak with this man. Photo: Kent Police

The victim, aged in her 20s, had been with friends when they all got into the vehicle at around 2am.

After a drop off in the Rochester area, the woman was the last passenger in the vehicle.

It is alleged the driver pulled over and told the victim that unless she got into the front to talk, he wouldn’t move the vehicle. The man eventually started driving after the woman reluctantly agreed to move seats.

During the journey he was said to have then grabbed the victim’s hand and also stroked her leg.

The woman later fled the vehicle after requesting the driver stop at a bus stop in Star Hill, Rochester.

The incident is said to have happened in the early hours of Sunday, August 28, but details have only just been released.

Officers are continuing attempts to track down the vehicle, including looking at CCTV.

The man was described as being average height and of Middle Eastern appearance, with black hair and a black short beard. He was wearing a light-coloured jacket or shirt. The make of the vehicle is unclear but it was described as a burgundy colour.

Anyone with information is asked to call the west Kent appeals line on 01622 604100, quoting reference YY/19153/16, or Crimestoppers, anonymously on 0800 555111.

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