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Nurse giving African orphans a chance in life

CARING: Debby Holl with one of the orphans, Barbara Namakula. Picture: JIM RANTELL
CARING: Debby Holl with one of the orphans, Barbara Namakula. Picture: JIM RANTELL

A 26-year-old nurse from Kent has returned home after dedicating six months to looking after orphaned children in Africa.

Debby Holl, from Kingston Crescent, Chatham, has been living in Uganda and working in the Sanyu Babies Home in Kampala.

After an initial short trip in December 2005, Debby longed to go back and help the children. So in February this year, she left behind her job, family and friends to work there full-time.

The orphanage looks after 45 children, aged from birth to four, who have been abandoned by their parents.

She said: “Many people think of orphanages as sad, horrible places, but this one was the opposite. The love given to the children was endearing.

“The children were often brought to us under very sad circumstances. Most of our children are found in pit latrines, or in plastic bags, dumped at the side of the road.”

The orphanage is run entirely by volunteers, many of whom are students or British Airways staff who spend time there between flights.

As a trained nurse, Debby was able to offer her medical skills, but had to face a number of challenges. She said: “It was strange for me, going from an intensive-care nurse with no paediatric history, to looking after 45 children, and teaching them songs like Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.”

Debby had to come home last month, but is desperate to go back. She is trying to drum up as much support as possible and collect donations of money and other things the babies need.

She added: “After spending that long there, I can’t just forget about the children. Although I’m very happy to be home. I miss them every day, and I know I’ve left half my heart in Africa. I know it’s only one orphanage out of hundreds in Africa, but the children are so loving, and I want to help give them a chance in life. “If I can help just a few children, it will all be worth it.”

As well as donations of cash, Debby also needs to collect nappies, wet wipes, plastic toys and clothes.

If you would like to help, contact her on 07725484746 or e-mail debbyholl@yahoo.com

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