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Sittingbourne based director heads back home for his next movie

Former Borden Grammar School pupil and upcoming film-maker Patrick Ireland is set to make his latest film in Kent.

The 25-year-old director, who has produced programmes for Channel 4, hopes his new film will resonate with viewers.

One in a Million focuses on Kevin, an autistic teenager living in the South East obsessed with escaping his home town.

Young Film-Maker Patrick Ireland
Young Film-Maker Patrick Ireland

“It’s based loosely on my own experience, in that as a teen you can feel very isolated,” said Patrick, who now lives in London.

He launched his creative career while studying at Borden, filming short movies in the corridors between classes.

“We used to make quite violent films using food colouring during the break and it’s funny because the school didn’t mind all that much,” he said.

The Herne Bay Native won the Young Filmmaker’s Award at the Swale Film Festival in 2008 when he was only 18.

Since then he has directed the short documentary Anonymous: A Million Men, which was sold to Shorts International for worldwide distribution.

He is hoping to shoot his latest venture in Sheerness, Herne Bay, Margate and Canterbury.

The film is being produced by the London Film School and Youth News Network, Shout Out UK with additional funding from Kent County Council.

Patrick plans to start filming in the spring and is currently crowd funding for the remainder of the money.

He said: “Kent is where I naturally look to when I think about a film, it was an easy choice to make something about the place I grew up in.”

For more details about the film or to donate visit https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/one-in-a-million-my-graduation-film#

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