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Tommy Green from Deal attacked girlfriend Westgate after bust-up in Ramsgate pub

A jealous lover attacked his former girlfriend fracturing her cheekbone in a “disgraceful attack” after a bust-up in a pub.

Bullying plumber Tommy Green was angry that she had gone to the home of a male friend in Ramsgate.

Prosecutor Daniel Stevenson told how in October 2014 the boozed-up 27-year-old went in search of his victim grabbing her by the hair and dragging her into a hallway where he kicked and punched her.

Bullying plumber Tommy Green Picture: Kent Police
Bullying plumber Tommy Green Picture: Kent Police

The couple had been in a relationship but had an argument after going to a Ramsgate pub and she left.

“As Green had the keys to her flat she went to the house of a man called Tom. Green turned up later and assaulted the victim.

“He then went to her flat in Westgate and caused extensive damage to her possessions, “ he added.

“You later went to a home where she was staying, grabbed her by her hair and, holding down her head, kicked her in the face, then the legs before punching her..." - Recorder Neil Cameron QC

Now father-of-one Green, of Milldale Close , Deal, has been jailed for 16 months after admitting assault and causing criminal damage.

He pleaded to a lesser assault charge on the day he was due to stand trial accused of a more serious offence.

Canterbury Crown Court heard how after the attack, Green went to the victim's flat and trashed it, damaging a fridge and washer and throwing eggs on the ceiling and walls.

Catherine Donnelly, defending, said Green had been diagnosed as suffering from ADHD

The judge, Recorder Neil Cameron QC, told him: “You had been drinking in a public house in Ramsgate in October 2014 when you became involved in a dispute with your then girlfriend.

“You later went to a home where she was staying, grabbed her by her hair and, holding down her head, kicked her in the face, then the legs before punching her.

“This was a disgraceful unprovoked attack which left your victim with a swelling to her eye and a fractured cheekbone.”

The court heard the victim was left fearful of a repeat attack and had become “jumpy” around other men as a result of the assault.

The judge added: “You went to somebody else’s house to carry out this attack while under the influence of alcohol.”

He then ordered Green to stay away from his victim for the next five years.

Investigating officer DC Steve Tring said: "This was a violent, unprovoked assault which left the victim with a swollen face and extensive bruising.

"Although he later pleaded guilty, Green showed little remorse for the assault – which could have resulted in a far more serious injury - at the time of the offence."

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